Nov 6, 2015

Herbal Teas for Healing

Thy food shall be thy medicine. – Hippocrates
I have been a tea drinker for a long time (drinking other than Japanese green tea), and had a collection of mostly black teas from Europe.  Over the years, I discovered red teas, white teas, and other Chinese teas as wells as herbal blended teas.  I drink tea to enjoy the subtle aroma and flavor, and the act of making tea and taking time for myself.  It’s a kind of ritual that everybody has.

My husband gave me a book called "20,000 Secrets of Tea – The Most Effective Ways to Benefit from Nature’s Healing Herbs” by Victoria Zak, which gave me new insights for herbal teas.  Chamomile tea is not the only herbal tea.  Herbs have been around for thousands of years and used medicinally.  These days, there are different forms of herbs such as in capsules, pills, and tinctures, on the market, but I like to take a natural form in a natural way (eat or drink), if possible.  I like drinking tea, so it’s a perfect way to experience the healing benefits of herbs. 

Herbal teas are the most effective way to get the benefits of herbs, safely and easily,” the book says.  If you don’t want to rely on pills for minor discomforts, and would like to strengthen your body’s own natural defenses against disease, herbal teas are for you.  The values of herbal teas are:
  • Double Benefits: Treat symptoms AND an underlying weakness.  Herbs have more than one beneficial property and value.
  • Safety: No additives, preservatives, or dyes.
  • Easy Absorption: Water – digested harmoniously in the body. 
  • Affordability: About 30 cents per cup using a tea bag.  Buying herbs in bulk will only cost you very little.
  • Universal Tradition: Used as healing remedies in every culture in the world.
The book has an A to Z list of common health issues with names of herbs best suitable for the condition.  The following chapter contains a common name, a Latin name, profiles, cautions, beneficent parts, and properties and values for each herb (more than 100) in the alphabetical order.

I look up this book most often when I get a headache, migraine, or different cold symptoms.  For a headache, I massage the neck and head, and drink an herbal tea, or both at the same time.  Herbal teas don’t ease the pain right away, but not taking pills makes me feel better and in control of my own health.  Normally, the combination of massage and a herbal tea makes the headache go away before long.   

I will introduce herbs beneficial for headaches, migraines and sinuses in the next post.