What are tsubo? They are also called acupressure points, acupuncture points, acupoints. In Oriental Medicine,
there are 14 meridian systems over the entire body, and energy travels through
them. There are 365 tsubo on the human body, and they are “the locations at which it
is easy for the flow of energy in the meridian systems to become sluggish and
to stagnate.” Stagnation of energy
flow manifests in the tsubo in
different ways such as pain, stiffness, and numbness. When specific tsubo
are treated, the flow of energy is restored, and malfunctions will dissipate.
Let’s pamper your face! Use your favorite facial cream or serum. (Recommended
products from my friend who is expert in skincare.) Do not use body lotion
for the face if it has fragrance.
The facial skin, especially the eyelids, is much more sensitive than
other parts of the body. If you
don’t have face cream at hand, use pure extra virgin olive oil instead.
As I explained in the last post, I referred to “Eliminating Facial Wrinkles” in the book about tsubo therapy by Katsusuke Serizawa, MD.
As I explained in the last post, I referred to “Eliminating Facial Wrinkles” in the book about tsubo therapy by Katsusuke Serizawa, MD.
Around the Eyes
(BL-2, TH-23, GB-1, BL-1)
Massage the upper and lower edges of the eye sockets from the inside out.
Cheeks (ST-2)
Massage in the directions of the arrows from ST-2.
Forehead (GB-14,
ST-8, GB-7)
Massage and stroke with the fingertips from GB-14 toward the temples and to the hairline in the directions of the arrows. Massage in the areas of ST-8 and GB-7.
Around the Mouth
(ST-4, CV-24)
Massage at the corners of the month ST-4, and CV-24 in the
directions of the arrows.
Neck (BL-10, LI-17,
Raise your chin as high as possible, and use four fingers to massage tsubo on the neck. Massage in the directions of the arrows extending to the base of the neck.
Raise your chin as high as possible, and use four fingers to massage tsubo on the neck. Massage in the directions of the arrows extending to the base of the neck.
I didn’t intend to
introduce tsubo (acupressure) therapy as a treatment here, so I didn’t explain exactly where each tsubo is located although I indicated the numbers. If you are curious, you can look up the locations in Atlas of Acupuncture Points (you need to know about the anatomy).