
Apr 4, 2015

Stretching and Strengthening Exercises at Your Desk (1) - Upper Body Stretching

Computer is a great invention, but it created a lot of trouble for us.  Sitting and typing almost all day causes tension or pain all over our body; in the eyes, head, neck, upper shoulder, between the shoulder blades, mid back, lower back, hips, arms, wrists and fingers.  It can lead to the conditions such as tension headaches, thoracic outlet syndrome, functional thoracic hyperkyphosis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Your arms always out in front to type and looking at the monitor changes your posture to a “Forward Head Posture (FHP).”  
It is very difficult to change your habitual posture even if you try.  So, here are a few examples of easy stretching and strengthening exercises, which you can do at desk any time without interrupting your work.  The important thing is to remember to do as often as possible throughout the day.  Find a chance while reading email, listening to a speaker phone, or going to the restroom.

Slowly and gently.
Do not force the stretch (pain-free).
Keep other muscles as relaxed as possible.

Back of your neck: When your head is forward, the back of your upper neck gets tight.
  • Let your head hang  (the chin closer to the chest) without forcing it.  Bend only the neck without flexing your upper back.  Hold it for 15-30 seconds.  The stretch should be felt in the back of the neck, not in the upper back.  
  • [Deeper stretch] Rest the hands on the back of the head so the weight of the arms pulls the head down further.
Chest: With your arms out in front, the chest muscles are shortened.
  • Clasp your fingers behind your head or ears (deeper stretch).  Draw the elbows further back until you feel resistance. And, raise your shoulders at the same time. Hold it for 15-30 seconds while taking deep breaths.
  • Clasp your fingers behind your back, and pull them away from you until you feel the nice stretch in the chest. 
Upper body: Your upper body is likely slouchy.  It needs a nice lift-up, so you can also breath better.
  • Clasp your fingers in front of you with the palms facing out.  Slowly raise your hands over your head, and lift up toward the ceiling while breathing in.  Hold it for 5 seconds.  Repeat 3 times.
I will cover strengthening exercises in the next post.