
Apr 28, 2015

Pain Source in the Neck (1) - Scalenes

It seems that these particular muscles in the neck is the solution to many problems in the upper body.  It’s called scalenes (SKAY-leenz) and located in each side of the neck, next to the vertebrae.  I never forget to work on these hidden muscles in the neck. 
Many people avoid touching the neck or don’t want it touched.  However, working on these muscles solves so many pain problems in the upper body.
© Clair Davies
  • Upper back pain (the inner edge of the shoulder blade)
  • Mid back pain
  • Chest pain
  • Front, side and back of shoulder pain
  • Front and back of arm pain/numbness
  • Pain, numbness, tingling, swelling in the arm and hand; symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome 
Scalenes consist of three muscles (anterior, middle, and posterior), and attach to the sides of neck vertebrae and to the first and the second ribs. 

© Clair Davies
They help support the weight of the head, and flex and turn the neck, but the main job is to lift the ribs when you inhale, so it has to do with breathing.  Breathing shallowly with the chest because of emotional tension or respiratory problems stress the scalenes.  However, daily activities like working with arms out in front of the body, pulling, lifting, and carrying a heavy back pack, and sports activities also easily overtax the muscles.

If you have one (or more) problems above, let’s focus on your neck first.  In the next post, I will show you how to massage the scalenes.